Updating PhonePad

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Updating PhonePad 4 on each workstation (if you weren't using a network drive) could sometimes be a chore.


Many large organizations installed PhonePad 4 on each workstation and set it up to connect to their servers in Remote Mode.  This improved performance dramatically and minimized data corruption.


Some of these organizations have hundreds of PhonePad users so when an update came out it was a major headache to deploy it to all users.  Unless they had special network application deployment tools, someone would have to go around to each workstation and physically install the new version of PhonePad 4.


We felt their pain.  So we changed it.





Initially PhonePad 5 will require someone to walk around and install it on each workstation, but it's a one-time task.  After that, PhonePad 5 Server will automatically update all workstations with the latest version when instructed to by a PhonePad system admin.  The sales of aspirin may go down but the result will be happier administrators and users.