Forward Via SMS

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You can have your messages sent to your cell/mobile phone via SMS (Short Messaging Service).  Whether you're a lawyer in court, a business person in a meeting, a tradesman on the road, or a doctor doing your rounds, it's a great way to receive your phone messages when you're not in the office.




Do not forward my messages via SMS

No messages will be forwarded to other users.

Forward my messages when my status is x

Select this option to forward your messages when your WhereRU status matches the selected value from the drop-down list.

Forward my messages within my available times

When selected, messages will be forwarded based on your availability.


Forward my messages outside of my available times

When selected, messages will be forwarded based on your availability.

Always forward my messages

Your messages will always be forwarded to the specified users.

Forward my messages to these cell/mobile numbers

Enter the email addresses you want to forward your messages to.  Each cell/mobile number should be on a separate line.

Do NOT forward PRIVATE messages

When checked, only non-Private messages will be forwarded.

Only forward URGENT messages

When checked, only Urgent messages will be forwarded.


This feature does require MessageSender to be installed on your Server or Host PC by your PhonePad administrator.