Installing the MessageSender Service

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Although the MessageSender files have been installed on your system, you still need to install the Windows service as a separate step.  Fortunately this is easy to do with MessageSender Manager and no technical knowledge is required.


1.Run MessageSender Manager.


2.Select Install Service from the Tools menu.




3.You should see a DOS or command window appear briefly.  If you have the MessageSender service already installed then you will probably get an error message and will need to uninstall it first.



If you have the appropriate access rights, you can run the Windows Services app (Services.msc) to see if the MessageSender service is running.




Important Notes


You may need administrator rights to install the MessageSender service.  If you get an error message (eg. Access Denied) when installing the service, you can try the following:


1.Go to the MessageSender folder.
2.Right-click on MessageSenderInstall.cmd.
3.Select Run as Administrator from the popup menu.


If the above doesn't work either, then you will need someone with a system administrator account to login to the server or Host PC you are on and perform the install for you.