I/O Error 103

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If you get this error when starting or using PhonePad 5, it is a Windows permissions problem, ie. you don't have sufficient access rights to specific folders on your workstation.


PhonePad often needs to be able to write to these folders so that it can automatically install updates and record log events.


Fortunately this is easily fixed, although you will need to login as a Windows administrator on the workstations getting this error.


What you need to do is set the user permissions to at least Modify for the following folders:




C:\ProgramData\Cybercom Software\PhonePad5


On many computers the C:\ProgramData folder is hidden by default by Windows.  In that case you may need to type the path in on Windows Explorer's address bar.


These are the permissions that need to be set for both folders:


 AuthenticatedUserPermissions2        UserPermissions