Caller's Name

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Type the name of the caller in the Caller field.  PhonePad will perform an incremental search to try to locate the caller's name.




If the caller appears in the list, select their name and press the <enter> key.  If the caller isn't in the list just type in their name and press the <enter> key.


You can also select a Caller by clicking on the Caller button.  The Caller Lookup window will appear.




Enter your Search Text and select the fields you want to search, then click the Search button.


When you select a name from the list their details will appear below so you can verify it's the right person.  Click OK to select the caller.


If you want to add a new caller, you can do this by either entering their name, company (if applicable) and phone number, or by clicking the Add button next to the Caller field.