Manage your phone messages quickly and easily with PhonePad!

How Long Will It Take PhonePad to Pay for Itself?

When considering the purchase of PhonePad, one thing to think about is how quickly can you recoup your investment?.

To make this easier for you to work out, we have produced a handy little calculator.

Give it a try below by entering the number of users you would have, and the average hourly rate your staff gets paid, then click the Calculate button.

You may discover that it’s a lot sooner than you think.


Now here’s the really cool thing.

The free trial period is 8 weeks, but many trial users find that they recover the cost of PhonePad in a couple of weeks or less, while they’re still in the trial period.

That means that PhonePad has already paid for itself before they have even purchased it!

Go ahead.  Give it a try now!

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