Manage your phone messages quickly and easily with PhonePad!

Running Silent PhonePad Installations on Workstations.

Many IT professionals favor silent software installations on workstations for several reasons.

By opting for a silent installation, the software is installed seamlessly in the background, ensuring that users are not interrupted during their work.

This approach not only enhances user productivity by eliminating the need for phone pad softwareinteraction with the installation process but also minimizes potential errors that can occur with manual installations.

Silent installations are particularly beneficial in large-scale deployments, allowing IT teams to efficiently manage and maintain software across numerous workstations without disrupting the workflow of individual users.

If you want to install the PhonePad workstation software silently, you will need to use these command line parameters: /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES

For example, phonepadworkstationsetup /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes


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