Manage your phone messages quickly and easily with PhonePad!

A PHONEslips Alternative?

So you’re minding your own business, running your business, when one day you Phoneslips Alternativesuddenly discover that the software you have been happily using for years to log your phone calls and manage your phone messages will soon be no more.


If you are a PHONEslips user then that was probably you we heard screaming.

So what now?

There’s probably no point hanging on to software that is now only partly functional, and that may stop working altogether after future Windows updates.

Time to look for a PHONEslips alternative, I guess.

Well if you’re reading this then lucky you!  You actually found your PHONEslips alternative!Phoneslips Alternative

Good work.  Well done.

I’d like to introduce you to your new best friend: PhonePad.

PHONEslips and PhonePad are similar in so many ways, and quite different in others.

For instance, the things that they can do are quite similar, but they are done in completely different ways.

Don’t let that scare you though.

PhonePad is pretty friendly.  And with it’s modern, clean user interface you should be able to get used to it quickly.

Have a look at the help files (available on your computer and online) and you will see lots of screenshots and step-by-step instructions.

And then there’s the stack of video tutorials online that show you exactly how to do things the PhonePad way.

Here are some key PhonePad features:

  • Log Phone Calls Fast.  With it’s built-in time saving features like auto-complete, you’re able to log phone calls quickly.
  • Your Inbox.  Each user’s messages are located in their personal Inbox.  Messages are color-coded and feature status icons so that it’s easy for you to identify each messages’ status.
  • Sent folder.  A copy of all messages you log are stored in the Sent folder.
  • Organize yourself with folders.  Create multiple levels of folders to organize Phoneslips Alternativeyour messages.  There are personal, public and group folders.
  • Follow Up Tools.  Comprehensive follow up tools enable you to keep a complete history of all phone calls for every client.  They also ensure that calls are returned on time, every time.
  • Reminders.  Never forget to follow up a call or do a task.
  • Searching.  The extensive search tools enable you to find any message quickly.  Search by caller, company, phone number and so on, or search within the message text.  Whole words, or partial, it doesn’t matter.  You’ll find it.
  • Access Multiple Inboxes.  Get access to other user Inboxes.
  • Management Tools.  Performance statistics, graphs, reports, etc. give you an overall view of every phone message, and can help you identify any bottlenecks.
  • Address Book.  The full blown Address Book can retain a tremendous amount of details about your clients.
  • Form Customization.  Don’t like some of the labeling on the message forms?  Well change them with the special editor.
  • Appointment Calendar.  Just like Phoneslips, PhonePad has a fully-functional, multi-user Appointment Calendar.
  • Automatic Message Forwarding.  Have your messages automatically forwarded to you by email, SMS and Pushover.  Or send them manually.PhonePad Alternative
  • Remote Access.  Login to PhonePad over the Internet from any location outside of your network.
  • Zero Configuration.  PhonePad’s Auto Discovery means there’s no need to point workstations to the server’s location.

There are so many more features – too many to list here.

Just in case you didn’t know, we have a 60 day free trial so you can try PhonePad first.

Did you know we provide free email support?  And did you know that we have been developing and supporting software for nearly 25 years?



PhonePad Version 5.54.0 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.54.0.

Changes in This Release

  • UPDATED:  Buttons for WhereRU and the ToDo List have been added to the Control bar.
  • UPDATED: Message columns can now be set for all message lists via the new button on the Settings toolbar in PhonePad.
  • FIXED: Label for message action wasn’t displaying.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.
PhonePad phone log

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation. Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Updates and Anti-Virus Software

Depending on the anti-virus software you use, when you install a Server Update your AV software may class the updated software as a different program due to the change in binary signature.  If you experience speed or freezing issues after an update, you may need to reconfigure your AV software to stop real-time scanning of PhonePad.  This may need to be done on the both your Server or Host PC, and your workstations.

Important Information If You Are Updating from PhonePad Version 5.35.x

Some code was added to the PhonePad loader program (the blue window with the PhonePad logo that finds the server connection) to log what security software was installed on the workstation that we would use to diagnose any startup issues. Unfortunately on some Windows 7 workstations this caused the PhonePad loader to just sit there and do nothing.  We don’t know why this would have caused this and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, it only affects Windows 7 workstations. This code has been removed so this problem should no longer occur once these workstations have been updated to 5.36.0 or higher.  However, it does mean that the PhonePad Version 5.36.0 workstation setup program will need to be manually downloaded and installed on any affected workstations.

Downloading the Update

You can download the update from your My PhonePad account. If you are a trial user please contact Support for a download link for this version. Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

Life After PHONEslips.

What does the end of PHONEslips mean to you as a PHONEslips user?Replace Phoneslips

Well, you can keep using PHONEslips after December 31, 2019 but none of the online services will be available.  If you have been using the online services then that means that PHONEslips will become a lot less usable to you.

So maybe you’re now looking for something to replace PHONEslips.

We can help you with that.

Like PHONEslips, PhonePad enables you to quickly and easily log phone calls.  Featuring a customizable phone message form, and auto complete, logging phone calls is easy and intuitive.

All of your incoming messages are stored in your personal Inbox.  Incoming calls you log are easily accessible in the Sent folder, and outgoing calls are, surprise, surprise, stored in the Outgoing folder.

When you delete a message it goes into your Deleted folder where it stays for 14 days (or whatever length of time you configure).  Deleted messages can be easily undeleted.

PhoneSlip ReplacementCreating Personal, Public and Group folders will help you organize your phone message efficiently.  Just drag and drop the messages into a folder.  Folders can have sub-folders, which can be several levels deep, allowing you to organize your folders logically.

Someone away and you need to access their Inbox?  Your PhonePad administrator can give you access to the other user’s Inbox.  This is also ideal for receptionists, executive assistants and anyone else who needs to access the Inboxes of other users.

Extensive follow up tools not only help you follow up calls on time, they provide a complete history of all interaction between you and your clients.

Keep unlimited follow up notes for every call.  These can be accessible by other users, makinAlternative to PhoneSlipsg it easy to coordinate follow up action.

Mark a message for follow up, and mark them as completed when you’re done.  Other users will be able to see that no further action is required.

Set reminders so that you remember to follow up calls on time.

PhonePad automatically maintains a complete history of all phone calls for every client, for years if you want, giving you a full chronological record.

Comprehensive search options provide a fast way of finding messages.  You can search by caller, company, phone number (or partial phone number in case you can’t remember the whole number), and even the contents of messages.  Plus more.

Easily categorize messages using a variety of fields.

The expansive Address Book has an abundance of fields for storing all sorts of information about your clients.

Users have a virtual bonanza of custom settings they can apply.  And system administrators can use System Rules to apply settings to all users.

Not in the office?  You can have your messages automatically forwarded to you by email, SMS and Pushover.  You set the criteria for when you want these messages PhoneSlips Remote Alternativeforwarded.

And just because you’re not in the office doesn’t mean you can’t access PhonePad.  PhonePad Remote is included with PhonePad (there are no additional charges for this) so you can access PhonePad from anywhere in the world, just as if you were in the office.

Office Managers will love the management tools built into PhonePad.  Generate performance statistics, reports, charts, and other information.  See at a PhoneSlips Replacementsglance how well each user is managing their phone messages can call backs.  These tools will help you track and manage your phone messages more efficiently, and will help you maintain an overall picture of how your business is going and identify any bottlenecks.

Our learning center features video tutorials to take you step-by-step through PhonePad’s features.

PhonePad features Auto-Discovery, which is a zero-configuration system.  Just install PhonePad and away you go.

Updates are released as server updates.  There’s no need to update workstations manually as PhonePad Server will do this for you automatically.

Two things you won’t find in PhonePad – yet.  A calendar and mobile app.  But don’t worry, we are developing these right now.

Pricing of PhonePad is very competitive compared to other options.  You will probably find it is much less than you paid for PHONEslips, and less than you will pay for most of our competitors.  Oh, and there are no monthly fees.  Our licenses are perpetual, meaning there is a one-time cost only.

To top it all off, you can try PhonePad on us.  Download it and try it free for 60 days (yes, that’s two whole months) without any obligation whatsoever.

We provide free email support, and can even remote connect to help you.

Did I mention, we have been in business for nearly 28 years.

So the bottom line is, even though PHONEslips is pretty much done, you do have a great alternative system you can switch to that is still under active development and will be for many, many years to come.  We are continually updating and enhancing PhonePad (just look through our past blog posts to see that updates are quite regular).

Why not download it today and start using it right away.

PS  As PhonePad helps you save time and money by improving workflow and efficiency, many users find that PhonePad pays for itself before the trial period has finished!

PhoneSlips Alternative

PhonePad Version 5.53.7 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.53.7.

Changes in This Release

  • FIXED: Label customization for message action and details weren’t displaying.
  • FIXED: Custom labels not appearing in some reports.
  • FIXED: Importing contacts into the Address Book.
  • FIXED: Connection issue with MessageAlert.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation. Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Updates and Anti-Virus Software

Depending on the anti-virus software you use, when you install a Server Update your AV software may class the updated software as a different program due to the change in binary signature.  If you experience speed or freezing issues after an update, you may need to reconfigure your AV software to stop real-time scanning of PhonePad.  This may need to be done on the both your Server or Host PC, and your workstations.

Important Information If You Are Updating from PhonePad Version 5.35.x

Some code was added to the PhonePad loader program (the blue window with the PhonePad logo that finds the server connection) to log what security software was installed on the workstation that we would use to diagnose any startup issues. Unfortunately on some Windows 7 workstations this caused the PhonePad loader to just sit there and do nothing.  We don’t know why this would have caused this and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, it only affects Windows 7 workstations. This code has been removed so this problem should no longer occur once these workstations have been updated to 5.36.0 or higher.  However, it does mean that the PhonePad Version 5.36.0 workstation setup program will need to be manually downloaded and installed on any affected workstations.

Downloading the Update

You can download the update from your My PhonePad account. If you are a trial user please contact Support for a download link for this version. Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

MessageSender Version 6.15.3 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.15.3.  This release includes the following changes:

  • FIXED: The <callaction> and <calldetails> tags in custom email templates were not being populated.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

Important: this version requires PhonePad Version 5.53.5 or later.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

PhonePad Version 5.53.6 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.53.6.

Changes in This Release

  • UPDATED – Database engine updated to 2.31 Build 9.
  • FIXED – Administrators were unable to change Automatic Message Forwarding settings for other users in WhereRU.
  • FIXED – There was an issue with PhonePad Remote connecting to some routers.
  • FIXED – Under certain conditions, the Notification service was unable to correctly connect to the PhonePad Server.
  • FIXED – Errors in MessageSender: E207, E302, E306.
  • FIXED – Master View wasn’t populating the message list.
  • UPDATED – Configuration for SMS Global.
  • Minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation. Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Updates and Anti-Virus Software

Depending on the anti-virus software you use, when you install a Server Update your AV software may class the updated software as a different program due to the change in binary signature.  If you experience speed or freezing issues after an update, you may need to reconfigure your AV software to stop real-time scanning of PhonePad.  This may need to be done on the both your Server or Host PC, and your workstations.

Important Information If You Are Updating from PhonePad Version 5.35.x

Some code was added to the PhonePad loader program (the blue window with the PhonePad logo that finds the server connection) to log what security software was installed on the workstation that we would use to diagnose any startup issues. Unfortunately on some Windows 7 workstations this caused the PhonePad loader to just sit there and do nothing.  We don’t know why this would have caused this and, as far as we have been able to ascertain, it only affects Windows 7 workstations. This code has been removed so this problem should no longer occur once these workstations have been updated to 5.36.0 or higher.  However, it does mean that the PhonePad Version 5.36.0 workstation setup program will need to be manually downloaded and installed on any affected workstations.

Downloading the Update

You can download the update from your My PhonePad account. If you are a trial user please contact Support for a download link for this version. Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.  

MessageSender Version 6.15.2 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.15.1.  This release includes the following changes:

  • Minor fixes and improvements.

Important: this version requires PhonePad Version 5.53.5 or later.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

A Replacement for PHONEslips.

So what do you do when a software application that you have used and relied on for so many years is very suddenly reaching its end of life?phoneslips replacement

Well the first thing to do is try to find a replacement.

Unfortunately if you’re a PHONEslips user then that’s the position you are probably finding yourself in.  But it’s not all bad news.  There is a replacement, and it’s called PHONEPAD.

Why would you choose PhonePad?

Here are some reasons for you to consider:

  • PhonePad has a clean, modern user interface.
  • It has a stack of features that are designed to help improve productivity, saving you time and money.
  • Help is available in the form of help ebooks (installed with PhonePad), PDF manuals and online help.  Screenshots are used extensively throughout PhonePad’s documentation.
  • There is a growing library of video tutorials to take you step-by-step through many of PhonePad’s features.
  • PhonePad is actively developed and supported.
  • Updates are released regularly.
  • We have a lot of new features we are working on that you will want to have.
  • A variety of support options are available.
  • There are no monthly or annual fees for using PhonePad and MessageSender.
  • We have been in business for almost 28 years, and we have seen many competitors come and go during that time.

You can download PhonePad now and try it for free for 60 days!  No obligation, no commitment, and no credit card required.

Download PhonePad Now and Try It For Free!


MessageSender Version 6.15.1 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.15.1.  This release includes the following changes:

  • REMOVED – {{REPLY CODE}} was being appended to emails.

Important: this version requires PhonePad Version 5.53.5 or later.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

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