Manage your phone messages quickly and easily with PhonePad!

PhonePad Version 5.35.3 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.35.3.

Changes in This Release

  • UPDATED – Important database engine update: the database engine has been updated to version 2.28 Build 3.
  • FIXED – There was a conflict in a previous update (5.35.1) which stopped the printing system from working.
  • FIXED – Export Inbox message list.
  • Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Downloading the Update

You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

If you are a trial user please contact Support for a download link for this version.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

PhonePad Version 5.35.2 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.35.2.

Changes in This Release

  • ADDED – New Dashboard application for managers shows up-to-date information on messages.
  • ADDED – Pass Through check box for system email settings.
  • Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Downloading the Update

You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions

Automatic Updates Can Cause PhonePad to Stop Working.

We have had a few reports that PhonePad has stopped working after a server update has been applied by the Automatic Update service.

This can happen if the update process could not complete due to insufficient access rights or because it has been blocked by security software (ie. anti-virus/anti-malware software).  We have found that in nearly all cases it’s due to security software.

If this has happened to you, please download and install the latest Server Update manually.  You can get the update by logging into your MyPhonePad account.  If you can’t login please contact Support.

Your workstations should then update automatically.  If they don’t then please download the latest workstation setup program and install it manually from My PhonePad.

We have disabled automatic updates on our update server until we can find a solution that won’t be blocked by security software.  Until then, you will need to install any server updates manually.

We apologize for any inconvenience.


PhonePad Version 5.35.1 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.35.1.

New Dashboard for Office Managers

Introducing a handy little gadget for Office Managers and others.

The new Dashboard application sits on your desktop and gives you up-to-the-minute information on the status of phone messages for the current day.  You can see how many phone calls have been logged for the day so far, how many of those messages have been read by their recipients, how many follow ups have yet to be completed, and the number of follow ups that have been completed.

You can position Dashboard anywhere on your desktop and it will remember that position next time you start it.  Dashboard is launched from the Manager toolbar or Manager menu.

Changes in This Release

  • ADDED – New Dashboard application for managers shows up-to-date information on messages.
  • ADDED – Pass Through check box for system email settings.
  • Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Automatic Updates

If you have the automatic update service installed then the update should automatically download and install.  If for some reason it doesn’t, you can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

MessageSender 6.6.0 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.6.0.  This release includes the following changes:

  • FIXED: PhonePad text messages sent by SMS were not sending.
  • REMOVED: MessageSender Manager has been discontinued as it functionality has been incorporated in PhonePad Control Center.

Important: this version requires PhonePad Version 5.35.0 or later.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

PhonePad Version 5.35.0 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.35.0.

There are quite a few changes in this release.  These are detailed at the bottom of this post.

New Message Statistics Charts

Three new charts have been added to the Overview feature for Managers.

The charts display statistics on the response times of each user.

The first chart shows on average how long each user takes to read a message that was sent to them.

The second chart shows on average how long it takes each user to complete a follow up on a message from the time it was logged.

And the third chart shows on average how long it takes each user to complete a follow up on a message from the time they read it.

As these charts sre a new feature, retrospective data is not available.  PhonePad 5.35.0 will start collecting the required information from the day you install it.

Goodbye MessageSender Manager

From MessageSender Version 6.6.0 and onwards you will discover that MessageSender Manager is no longer there.

Control Center is used to manage the various PhonePad Windows services that run on your Server or Host PC.  The whole idea is to be able to administer these services from one application.  In line with that, MessageSender Manager has been discontinued and its functionality has been incorporated into Control Center.

All you need to do is select MessageSender from the options in Control Center and you have access to MessageSender’s log, settings, message queue and licensing.

MessageSender Message Queue in PhonePad

As a System Administrator you can now view and manage the MessageSender message queue from within PhonePad.  This means you no longer have to go to the Server or Host PC to check the message queue.  It can now be done from any workstation.

PhonePad Icon Updated

Just in case you think the PhonePad icon has disappeared from your desktop, it’s changed.  It’s had a bit of a makeover to bring it in line with current day design styles.

Changes in This Release

  • ADDED – Three new message statistics charts have been added to Overview. These charts show the average time each user takes to open received messages and complete follow up on messages.
  • ADDED – MessageSender Message Queue is now available within PhonePad.
  • ADDED – New email preset for Office 365 under Communication Settings.
  • ADDED – Passthrough option for automatic email authentication under Communication Settings.
  • ADDED – Message polling option added to System Rules.
  • ADDED – Report on who completed follow up for each message.
  • IMPROVED – System Administrators now have full access to Address Book by default.
  • UPDATED – The icon that has been used in PhonePad since its inception has been dragged kicking and screaming into the present day and has been redesigned.  It still has a blue telephone so that its easily recognizable but it now has the more modern “flat” look.  We hope you like it.
  • CHANGED – Admin toolbar tab and menu have been renamed to Manager so that they match the name of the access level.
  • REMOVED – MessageSender Manager has been discontinued as its functionality has been moved over to Control Center.
  • FIXED – User Management – computer name, Windows username, etc. weren’t appearing.
  • FIXED – Message Filtering was not working.
  • FIXED – Call History Chart was not working correctly.
  • FIXED – Configure Toolbar feature had some newer buttons missing.
  • Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Automatic Updates

If you have the automatic update service installed then the update should automatically download and install.  If for some reason it doesn’t, you can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.


MessageSender Version 6.5.1 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.5.1.  This release includes the following changes:

  • FIXED: SMS messages sent via the SMS Global gateway were not sending.
  • FIXED: MessageSender Manager message queue was not refreshing correctly.

Please note: this version requires PhonePad 5.34.0 or later.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.

MessageSender Version 6.5.0 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of MessageSender Version 6.5.0.  This release includes the following changes:


  • FIXED: MessageSender wasn’t clearing the queue after sending messages, resulting in messages being sent multiple times. Requires updating to PhonePad 5.33.0.
  • FIXED: Text messages were not being sent by MessageSender using SMS.

Installation Information

Please note: You can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.



PhonePad Version 5.34.0 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.34.0.  There are quite a few changes in this release:

  • NEW: Database folders can now be located on other local drives besides the C: drive. A new database relocation tool is included with this release.
  • NEW: ControlCenter now has its own help file.
  • IMPROVED: Significant update to database engine and various changes to the PhonePad Server have resulted in improvements to performance, stability and connectivity.
  • UPDATED: ControlCenter has new settings that allow log retention periods to be set.
  • UPDATED: WorkstationConfig has new settings that allow log retention periods to be set.
  • UPDATED: LogManager now deletes older logs and snapshots based on retention settings in ControlCenter.
  • UPDATED: Process Monitor now shows all PhonePad services running on the Server or Host PC.
  • UPDATED: Database Engine updated to v2.28.
  • FIXED: Contact Us link in Caller ID Settings wasn’t working.
  • FIXED: The “Allow Users To Send Messages Using SMS” check box was not staying checked.
  • FIXED: MessageSender wasn’t clearing the queue after sending messages, resulting in messages being sent multiple times. Requires updating to MessageSender 6.5.0.
  • FIXED: Text messages were not being sent by MessageSender using SMS.
  • FIXED: In some cases AutoUpdate was not working correctly.
  • FIXED: Inter-application communication was unreliable so the system used has been completely replaced with a new system. Other PhonePad applications should now close correctly when PhonePad is closed.
  • FIXED – RestoreSnapshot displayed a blank message if the Restore button was click when a snapshot wasn’t selected.
  • FIXED – RestoreSnapshot wouldn’t restore if the Updates folder wasn’t empty.
  • FIXED – Cancelling a search doesn’t work.
  • FIXED – When deleting a Personal, Public or Group folder, any messages they contained were not moved to the Deleted folder.
  • FIXED – New message alerts were appearing when there were no new messages.
  • REMOVED: The Port Test has been removed as all of the communication ports have been consolidated into one port.
  • Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Automatic Updates

If you have the automatic update service installed then the update should automatically download and install.  If for some reason it doesn’t, you can download the update from your My PhonePad account.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions.


PhonePad Version 5.30.4 Has Been Released.

We are pleased to announce the release of PhonePad Version 5.30.4.

Changes in This Release

⦁ FIXED: The position of the splitter between the folder list and the Inbox was not being saved correctly between sessions.
⦁ FIXED:  Message list color coding was not working.
⦁ Various minor fixes and improvements.

Installation Information

Please note: Server Updates must be installed on your Server or Host PC, not your workstation (unless your workstation is also the Host PC) – they cannot be installed directly on your workstations.  Make sure all users are logged out of PhonePad as the PhonePad Server will be stopped during the update and then restarted once it has completed.  Workstations will be automatically updated when PhonePad 5 Workstation is started on each workstation.

Important: When downloading and installing an update from your My PhonePad account, make sure it’s actually the update and not the server setup program.  The update will update your database whereas the setup program will overwrite it with a blank database.

Automatic Updates

We have discovered an issue with the Automatic Update service so automatic updates are not available for this release. Please download the update from your My PhonePad account.

These updates are available for both fully licensed users and trial users.  For licensed users you must have a current support plan to install the update.

Please contact Support if you have any problems or questions

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