So you may be wondering “Where’s the PhonePad Appointment Calendar you’ve been promising?”.
It’s taken us a bit longer than originally planned due to a number of reasons.
This is the first appointment scheduling system we have developed so we weren’t entirely sure on exactly every bit of functionality that would be needed. As we were deep in development we realized that there were some features that were probably needed by users that weren’t in our original design. We added them in and that added to the development time.
There were also some aspects of the Appointment Calendar we weren’t happy with, so they were rewritten. Then we discovered some technical issues that took some time to resolve. We’re fussy so we want to make sure everything is just right.
During our Alpha testing we found a few bugs, which is normal for any software development project. Of course, they have all been fixed but sometimes it can take a fair bit of time locating and fixing the cause. The bottom line is we won’t release a product until we feel it’s ready. There’s no point releasing something that still has known bugs.
We’ve been working on the Appointment Calendar for PhonePad for about 10 months now. A lot of work has gone into it. The good news is we’re right near the end of the entire development cycle. The code has been completed. We’re now going through Beta testing to uncover any bugs we may have missed. There have already been a couple found and fixed. The documentation, ie. help file and user guide, are underway.
We’re hoping to release Appointment Calendar in the next couple of weeks. This does depend on how many bugs are found during Beta testing (only minor ones should exist now) and how long it takes to fix them. We’re working hard to get it ready as quickly as we can. The end is in sight and we should have the Appointment Calendar to you very soon.
You can check the status of the Appointment Calendar page on our website. Make sure you register your interest to get a 20% discount when it’s released!